Website & Branding Form

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Terms of use The Branding and Website Creation Package is a support service only without any representations or warranties, express or implied. The purchaser is fully responsible for making their own assessment of the service, NO promises or guarantees have been made in relation to your likelihood of success. Annual hosting fees are payable from the date of website package purchase. As part of this agreement we will provide copy for up to three pages as per your package option selected. We will also provide consultative advice on other areas of the website in regards to headlines and subheadlines. Over and above this arrangement and in addition to the estimate we will charge you at $150AU per hour for copy writing or content input. We will supply images used for the general layout and design of the homepage. For any extra pages or special requests, you will supply us photographs either in digital or printed format. If you choose to buy stock photographs we can suggest vendors of stock photography. Any time we spend searching for appropriate photographs will be charged at $150AU per hour. The package prices are based on the number of days that we estimate we'll need to accomplish everything that you have told us you want to achieve. If you change your mind, add extra pages or templates or add new functionality, then an initial revision of your website will be provided free of charge but after this you will be charged our normal rate of $150 per hour or we will give you a separate quote depending on the size of the extra project. If after signing off any stage of the project you request further changes, this is no problem - we will simply charge our normal rate of $150AU per hour to make the extra changes requested. You guarantee to us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork that you provide us for inclusion in the website are either owned by yourself, or that you have permission to use them. You as the end user hereby indemnify Create Business, its owners, officers and related parties in full including but not limited to any and all costs inclusive of program cost and/or liabilities arising as a result of any of your current or future business operations. You cannot transfer this contract to anyone else without our written permission. Your domain name and professional email address are covered & paid for by Create Business for your first year, annual renewal cost of your Annual hosting is $599, the domain name is $59 and $299 for your annual professional email address. On default of these renewal fees your website will be made inactive, should you wish to reactivate within one month of your service lapsing a reactivation fee of $675.00 will apply, any transfer of website services can be requested in writing 30 days prior to annual renewal (including all files, emails, domains) our cost of transfer is $1250 all inclusive. Your website will be deleted off our servers should we not hear from you within 14 days after your service renewal lapses. You will have access to the CMS in your first 12 months to alter, fix and change your website, at the conclusion of the 12 months we can assist with any edits required as per our fee schedule. It is your responsibility to ensure that all content and branding created does not infringe any current trademarks, copyright or patents. If for some reason one part of this contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place. Create Business’s branding and website creation are services in nature and have a strict no return & no refund policy. Annual and monthly fees relating to domain registration, personalized email registration, social media and website hosting are payable monthly and annually and ongoing in addition to annual hosting fees. A payment default and or breach of the terms will nullify all of Create Business’s support additionally, we reserve the right to recall the total fee balance outstanding in full for immediate payment. Recovery action will include but may not be limited to legal action against the defaulting party. This may significantly increase the total balance payable. A default note may be placed on your credit rating record, resulting in substantial damage to the defaulters’ borrowing capacity. This contract is executed under the laws of the state of NSW and can only be addressed under NSW jurisdiction regardless of the client’s state of residence or otherwise. The offer of our products is solely on the basis of the above listed terms &; conditions. Acceptance of our products & services is an automatic acceptance of our term of use & conditions, which may vary without notice from time to time. If prices vary, we will write to you and notify you, so you are aware. Any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. We love to show off our work, we also reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and to write about the project on web sites, in magazine articles and in books about web design.