This Could Be For You

This Could Be For You

SARGENT PEPPERS“It was about 22-years ago today that Sargent Pepper taught the band to play”, well not quite that was more like 50 years ago when John, Paul, George, and Ringo were singing that cool tune, and it made them a fortune. (again) It’s fair to say that...
Being A True Service To Others

Being A True Service To Others

We hear this often that people are wanting to be in a career that is in some way a service to others and one that they can feel proud of being involved in. Maybe they have thoughts of being a or personal career, medical professional or even a missionary come to mind,...
Fun For Being A Refund Expert?

Fun For Being A Refund Expert?

The Refund Specialist System ™ Some of our refund experts (like ex-builder Greg) have made $2,000 in just 1 hour, others like (Reg a 74-year-old) at the time achieved a refund cheque for his client that was $482,829.25 so you can just imagine how much the...
Why Become A Refund Expert?

Why Become A Refund Expert?

In Australia alone is worth 23.7 Billion dollars, this is the amount of lost money that is waiting to be reunited with Australians. Yes, I know this sounds like a crazy amount, but that is what it is. To state the very obvious, the amount of money (and that is...
What Is  A Refund Business?

What Is A Refund Business?

    What is the Refund Business? The Refund Specialist System™ delivers a cutting-edge business launch system that can give you the entry point to a Refund Business. A refund business is a service whereby a refund professional works with a money owner ‘ the...